Learning Networks are initiatives of Member States operating in specific areas in which the Member States have the opportunity to exchange experiences, good practices and to work together on the ways to solve specific problems. Learning Networks support implementation of transnational cooperation under the European Social Fund, encouraging and enabling networking, mutual learning and exchange of experiences between the countries of the European Union. Currently operating networks:
- ESF Age Network (website);
- SaviAV – Social inclusion and vocational integration of Asylum seekers and Victims of human trafficking (contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. );
- Communities of Practice on Inclusive Entrepreneurship - COPIE (website);
- European Network on Empowerment and Inclusion (website);
- Ex-offender Network (website);
- Gender Mainstreaming Network (website);
- Increasing the Participation of migrants and ethnic minorities in employment - IMPART (website);
- Network on Partnership (website);
- Facing the Challenge – How to Effectively Support Reforms of public administration by ESF funds (website);
- Network on Results-based Management - RBM (website);
- Social Economy Network (website);
- Network on Transnational Cooperation in ESF (website);
- European Network on Youth Employment (website).